Wayne County Probation Department

As a learning organization, we will utilize evidence-based research and practices to guide our planning, policy and procedure.

An agency promoting pro-social change, reducing risk and recidivism, thereby enhancing public safety.

Community Corrections

Community Corrections is an opportunity to remain in the community to serve a sentence imposed by the Court instead of being in jail.

Programs administered by Community Corrections are electronic monitoring (home detention), community service, CTP (Community Transition Program), and Drug Diversion.

Juvenile Probation

For the past several years, we have been working closely with local Law Enforcement Departments and School Corporations to offer our kids more appropriate options for dealing with misconduct on a case-by-case basis. 

Adult Probation

Adult Probation is an opportunity for you to remain in your community with conditions instead of going to jail.
When the Court grants a person probation, it will also provide a set of conditions that outlines the goals and expectations of supervision.
During a probation period, a person is supervised by a probation officer who will assist in behavior change and report progress to the Court where the person was sentenced.