Adult Probation

What is probation?

In general, it is a chance for you to remain in your community with conditions instead of being placed into incarceration.

When the Court grants a person probation, it will also provide a set of conditions that outlines the goals and expectations of supervision.
During your probation period, you will be supervised by a probation officer, who will assist you in behavioral change and report your progress and actions to the Court in which you were sentenced.

The Wayne County Probation Department would like to see you successfully complete your probation and end your involvement with the criminal justice system. Many people do well on probation and never find themselves in legal trouble again. When this happens, everyone benefits, including you. If you think of your probation period as an opportunity rather than a punishment, you will have more success.

Conditions of Probation

The conditions of probation the Court imposes will vary from person to person. A probation officer will always review your conditions of probation with you before your sentencing and provide you with a copy as soon as possible.

Assessment & Goals

Before or near the beginning of your supervised probation term, you and your probation officer will complete an assessment known as the Indiana Risk Assessment System [IRAS]. This assessment aims to help your probation officer identify areas where you may need assistance.


Nearly 80% of clients placed on probation successfully completed their supervision.

Frequently asked Questions

When does my Probation term start?

Your term of probation will start immediately upon your release from incarceration or on your sentencing date if no incarceration is ordered.

How often will I have contact with my Probation Officer?

The frequency and nature of contact (such as office visits, home visits, telephone calls, family contacts, employer contacts, and treatment provider contacts) will depend on various factors. Expect to have contact with your probation officer at least once per month.

What should I NOT bring to a Probation Appointment?

Never bring weapons or items that could be used as weapons (such as knives and box cutters) to your probation appointment.

Also, the Wayne County Probation Department’s policy is not to allow children to be present during probation appointments. This policy includes keeping children from being left unattended in the waiting area of the Wayne County Probation Department, so plan accordingly in advance.

What are Clerk's fees and where do I pay them?

Clerk’s fees, including but not limited to Court Costs, Counter measure Fees, Supplemental Public Defender Fund Fees, Restitution, and Fines, are generally outlined in the conditions of probation and can vary from person to person. Your probation officer will be able to provide your correct Clerk’s fee balance.

Clerk’s fees may be paid within a few days of being sentenced; however, if this is not possible, you and your probation officer will develop a written payment schedule that makes payment of these fees more manageable.

It is easiest to pay Clerk’s fee in person at the Wayne County Clerk’s Office (2nd floor of the courthouse) for felonies or at the Wayne County Small Claims Office for misdemeanors (2nd floor of the courthouse). You will be asked to provide your full name and cause number (which can be provided by your probation officer) to make sure that your payment is appropriately applied

Why is it important that I participate in Treatment?

Your Probation Officer may refer you to a treatment program. There are many different types of treatment. These programs will help you improve your situation; they are not a punishment.  However, not cooperating with treatment may result in a violation of probation. You may not want to go to treatment. This is normal. Programs require your time and effort. The most important first step for you is to go. Once there, if you look at treatment as an opportunity, you will get the most out of it; give yourself the best chance for success.

What is a violation of Probation?

When you do not follow the conditions of your probation, it is a probation violation. If you do not follow any of your conditions or are arrested, your Probation Officer may bring your case back to court, including your being arrested on a Violation of Probation Warrant. There will be a court hearing, and if a violation is proven, you may be sentenced to serve the suspended portion of your sentence.

What should I expect when I have contact with my Probation Officer?

Your probation officer will ask questions about your home life, work, and treatment. Some of these questions may seem very personal; however, they are necessary for your probation officer to identify and assist you in your areas of need.

What should I bring to Probation Appointments?
  • Employment Verification
  • Residence Verification
  • Vehicle Registration
  • Photo Identification
  • Proof of Attendance for Treatment, Counseling, and Educational Programs
  • Community Service Verification
How much are Probation Fees and where do I pay them?

As part of your conditions of probation, the court will almost always order you to pay a standard set of probation fees.

For a misdemeanor conviction with probation, you will be assessed:

$50 Probation Administrative Fee

$50 Probation Initial Fee

$20 per month for each month of supervision

For a felony conviction with probation, you will be assessed:

$100 Probation Administrative Fee

$100 Probation Initial Fee

$30 per month for each month of supervision

Probation fees may be paid in full on your first day of probation; however, if this is not possible, you and your probation officer will develop a written payment schedule that makes payment of these fees more manageable.

It is easiest to pay probation fees, in person, at the front desk of the Wayne County Probation Department with cash or a money order that has been made out to the Wayne County Probation Department.

If you choose, you may also pay probation fees at the front desk of the Wayne County Probation Department or from any device at, using a Visa Card, MasterCard, American Express card, Discover card, or debit card; however, you will be assessed a 3% service fee ($3.50 minimum) from the processing agency. When making a payment from your home computer, you will need to follow three simple steps:

1) Search for in your browser

2) Click the “Services” tab in the upper right corner of the website

3) Select the option “Pay Probation Fees.”

  • This will take you directly to the secure site where payments can be made. Make sure to obtain your cause number from your probation officer in advance.
Can I travel or move out of state?

You may not travel or move out of state without permission from your Probation Officer.

Do I have to pay for my Treatment Services?

You will have to pay for treatment out of your own pocket. The good news is that fees for treatment are assessed on a sliding scale, meaning that most people are provided services at a reduced cost. Moreover, some funding sources, such as Recovery Works, might pay for your treatment entirely. Your service provider determines the cost of treatment service.

What are some tips for success?
  • Review and understand all of your conditions of probation.
  • Think before you act. Slow yourself down and think a few steps ahead.
  • Surround yourself with law-abiding people who really want to see you do well, such as friends, family, co-workers, and formal support groups.
  • Take ownership of your probation by becoming an active participant.
  • Be open to guidance from your Probation Officer.
  • The responsibility for making changes in your life is yours.