Community Transition

What is Community Transition?

CTP stands for Community Transition Program. CTP is the assignment by the court of an offender from the Department of Correction (DOC) to a County Community Corrections program. Supervision occurs from the offender’s CTP Commencement Date until the offender completes their incarceration sentence. For example, suppose an offender has a CTP commencement date of January 1 and a release date of April 24, and that offender is granted CTP. In that case, that offender will be released from the Department of Correction on January 1 and remain on CTP supervision through Community Corrections until April 24. The idea behind CTP is to allow offenders to transition back into their communities while being held accountable and have someone there helping connect them to jobs, housing, and additional resources to ensure their success.

Frequently asked Questions

Who qualifies for the Community Transition Program?

Ultimately, the Judge has to approve CTP. A report gets sent from the Department of Correction that summarizes the offender’s time at DOC. This report includes conduct reports, completed programming, and an overall picture of how the offender spent their time incarcerated.

What can I expect from Community Transition?

CTP has three different phases. The first phase follows a traditional electronic monitoring schedule. The client is put on a GPS bracelet and allowed to attend work, church, school, or medical appointments. This first phase is meant to help the client slowly transition back into the community without becoming overwhelmed. This is also a time when we look at what services and referrals might be needed. Phase two is a continuance of phase one while adding in approved pro-social activities. This could include going to the gym, going to family functions, and many other options. Phase three is when the client is put on curfew. By this point, the goal is for the client to be in a stable place. At any point, a client can be taken back to a previous step if needed to ensure that all needs are met. If a client is not following the rules of CTP, that individual can be sent back to the Department of Correction to serve the remainder of the imposed sentence.